Get Ready To Take Control Of Your Health & Wellness 
Therapeutic Services Now Offered Locally in North Florida!  
  • Raindrop Technique
  • Ionic Foot Detox
  • Free Consultation
  • Wellness Coaching
What is Raindrop Technique?
Raindrop Technique uses Young Living Essential Oils in a specific manner on the spine and feet that brings balance to the body in a relaxing and invigorating way. The purpose of Raindrop is to stimulate every organ, muscle and bone of the body at a cellular level through the oils, supporting the immune system, bringing the body into structural/electrical balance, and enabling the release of toxins or disease wherever they may be lodged - including those illnesses lodged in the mind and emotions. 

A state of ill health is usually the result of many years of accumulation of toxins and traumas - physical, mental and spiritual. Each Raindrop Session can potentially correct something, but to completely return to a state of perfect health may take a series of sessions over time; plus lifestyle changes in terms of diet, exercise, habits, and environment. 



"It is your responsibility to be responsible for yourself. It is your God-given right to search, read, study, and decide how you will feed and take care of your own body. Be independent and be wise."  -- Mary Young  

Nichole Utt
Crawfordville, FL 32327
Phone: 8507888733


Copyright Nichole Utt 
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