It's a brand new year and so many people start the New Year off with a whole bunch of resolutions about weight loss and such. I don't set New Year's Resolutions because I think they are a recipe for failure but I do want to kick start my health so this year, I'm doing something different.
On December 31st I started intermittent fasting (doctor approved). I have never done any type of fasting before and wasn't sure I would be able to do it because frankly, I love food! I am part Italian and part German and we just love to eat. I've struggled with my weight ever since I was 14 years old and I am now 50, almost 51 but weight loss isn't what prompted me to try intermittent fasting.
My main motivation for doing this is that I want to, once and for all, lead a healthier lifestyle and to do that I need to reset my digestive system

Your digestive system is the gatekeeper of your health and when it's not functioning properly, our bodies don't function properly and sickness can set in. Our gut has to be healthy for us to be healthy.
I have chosen to fast from 9pm at night until 1pm the next day and consume only water, my supplements, and Ningxia Red until 1pm. What is Ningxia Red you ask? Well, let me tell you. Ningxia Red is the most nutrient dense food on the planet. It has the highest ORAC score of any other food, measuring at around 300! Ningxia Red also supports all 9 body systems.
It is safe for the entire family to drink, even your pets. My German Shepard loves it and it supports his immune system just as well as it supports mine. I've been drinking Ningxia Red for 5 years now and I have been fairly healthy, as far as not coming down with any sicknesses, but bloodwork done in August revealed that I was lacking in some key nutrients so I started researching and supplementing to see what I could do to help my body function better and to avoid the doctor putting me on medications to regulate my thyroid and lower my cholesterol.
Enter, intermittent fasting. I was already drinking 2ozs of Ningxia every morning mixed with my supplements but decided to increase my Ningxia intake to 6 ozs between wake up and my first meal at 1pm. Doing this will nutritionally support my body when I wasn't eating solid food as well as help my body to better utilize the food I do give it. My solid meals consist of only whole foods such as organic fruits and vegetables, lots of salads and small amounts of lean meats and fish. I do not eat any foods that are processed or contain dairy, processed sugars or grains. I'm avoiding everything in boxes, bags, cans, etc. and sticking to the outside perimeter of the grocery store buying only fresh (preferably organic) and frozen foods with no additives.
Since I have started this, only a few days ago, I am already noticing a significant difference in how I feel. Your digestive system is the key to your overall health and mine is functioning much better now and I am not hungry at all. Best of all, my night time cravings for salty junk or sweets has vanished!! This is huge for me!! I have also realized that I actually am craving foods I thought I disliked, such as raw bell peppers. I never liked them but I am loving them now and adding them to my salads and eating them as my evening snack along with raw carrot chips. These satisfy my need for crunchy stuff.
I am excited to see what my blood work shows this month when I visit the doctor and compare it to what it was in August. I fully expect to see improvement in all of my numbers and if I lose a little weight too, that's a bonus!
If you would like to try intermittent fasting with me, you can grab the products I use here. You can also reach out to me with any questions about what I am doing and how I am doing it but please consult with your doctor before starting any new health program.
I am part of a large community that are all drinking Ningxia over the next 30 days (most are only adding 2 oz. a day, they aren't doing the fasting like I am) and sharing our healthy progress along the way.
Grab your Ningxia and join us!!
Please Note: I am not a doctor and these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Young Living products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.